We have now reached the period of the year when the track is most vulnerable to wear and tear, which is why we are refreshing the current rules so that we all get the most enjoyment from the track and avoid injuries that will affect next season.
Before we reach periods of frost, there may be hoarfrost from the morning. The frost can occur before the grass has stopped growing. If the grass is stepped on under frost, the grass breaks, which gives long-lasting but, therefore
In the event of hoarfrost or frost, only blue flags must be played
This may mean that the first part of a round must be played to blue flags, while the rest of the round can be played to normal greens. We can't be the police on the field, so help each other understand the importance of this.
The winter rules for driving on the track apply as a minimum in the period 1.11 – 31.3, but the period can be extended as needed (look for notices or info via app)
During particularly humid periods, there may be a total ban on driving on the track. Stay informed via the notice board.
The rules for winter driving can be found on the notice board and can be obtained by contacting the secretariat.
Watch out for the field:
25.10.2022Ole Lund-HermansenChairman of the Track Committee
Golf Folkeskov - 7000 oak, hazel, birch & wild cherry trees planted at holes 8, 3 and 5. A fantastic project has been carried out in close collaboration between the "Growing Trees Network", Guldborgsund Municipality and Golfklubben Storstrømmen, with the establishment of the new forest along holes 8, 3 and 5 towards Grønsundsvej. The establishment of the forest area is a positive initiative in every way, which combines the environmental need for urban forest with a beautiful visual impression both for drivers on Grønsundsvejen and for golfers on the course All three parties have participated in the financing of the project. The Growing Trees Network has financed the almost 7000 trees, the soil treatment and the planting, while the Golf Club has been responsible for the almost 2 km long fencing to protect the trees from animals. Finally, Guldborgsund Municipality has taken on the cost of looking after the trees for the first three years. Even though the trees are small and will not give the impression of a forest until several years later, the project has had a lot of support from the members of the Golf Club, and more than twenty volunteers from the club have put a lot of effort into setting up fences, so that ownership of the forest has been taken from the start. The forest has been established with a number of different Danish types of wood such as oak, hazel, birch and wild cherry. The soil preparation has taken place mechanically without the use of pesticides, and this is also how the forward care will take place. 2020.4.29Ole Lund-Hermansen
Chairman of the Rail Committee
In collaboration with Forest and Landscape Engineering Company Thyge Andersen, forest warden Thyge Andersen, Golfklubben Storstrømmen plants more than 200 screen elms before Christmas.
Skær elm is a special type of elm tree that is resistant to elm disease and Golfklubben Storstrømmen would like to make a special effort to preserve the characteristic trees, which have died in the thousands in recent years due to elm disease.
Over the past few years, Golfklubben Storstrømmen has, among other things, collaborated with the Road Directorate and Guldborgsund Municipality and made several joint environmental projects.
One of the most significant initiatives has been the establishment of several waterholes near the forest in collaboration with biologist Anita Pedersen from Guldborgsund Municipality.
Anita Pedersen has been particularly enthusiastic about the establishment of the water holes on the golf course, as they certainly help to secure the endangered tree frogs which are almost extinct on Falster. Already this year, the results of the work can be seen and these are only the first fruits of the environmental work that Golfklubben Storstrømmen has carried out in recent years.
Nature and environmental work is an important effort for every golf club. Some investments provide direct returns in the form of savings in both the short and long term. But with the vast majority of initiatives, the return must be seen in the form of better experiences for members and guests. At the same time, it can help to create better framework conditions for the individual club through closer cooperation with the local municipality, neighbours, local interest organizations and other authorities, says Jim Staffensen, chairman of the Danish Golf Union.
The work will continue in the future as the Golf Club wants to be a recreational urban role model for other golf clubs.
Further information:
The track committee: Ole Lund-Hermansen, olhmobil@gmail.com, T 45 2012 0409.
In continuation of the work to ensure correct storage, registration and handling of the dangerous substances and chemicals found at all golf clubs, the board has found it natural to prepare a comprehensive Environmental Handbook.
The Environmental Handbook sets out an environmental objective for the club as well as targets for environmental impact and working environment. The Environmental Handbook is reproduced in its entirety below.
The Environmental Handbook is a dynamic tool, so comments and suggestions can always be submitted to the club's secretariat.
Tel: 45 5482 8080
Email: golf@storstroemmen.dk
Address: Kringelborg Allé 9 DK-4800 Nykøbing F
Mon - Sun
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
45 5482 8080
Kringelborg Allé 9 DK-4800 Nykøbing F