The club / Memberships / Junior membership
Golfklubben Storstrømmen has a trial scheme for juniors.
You are welcome to come as a guest to the club and try if it is something for you. See time above. You can join 3 times for free before you have to decide whether you want to be a member, just as you can also borrow equipment to play with for free during this period.
It's actually cheap to play junior golf and you can play as much as you want.
Quota in 2023
*under education with student card or proof of apprenticeship
Tel: 45 5482 8080
Address: Kringelborg Allé 9 DK-4800 Nykøbing F
Mon - Sun
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
45 5482 8080
Kringelborg Allé 9 DK-4800 Nykøbing F