The club / Memberships / Green fee Agreements
As a member of Golfklubben Storstrømmen, you can use green-fee agreements with a number of golf clubs:
Clubs | Weekdays | Weekends/Holidays | Normal prices |
Maribo Lake Golf Club | 50% rabat | 50% rabat | Weekdays DKK 400 Weekends DKK 400 |
Halsted Kloster Golf Club | 50% rabat | 50% rabat | Weekdays DKK 340 Weekends DKK 380 |
Marielyst Golf Club | 50% rabat | 50% rabat | Weekdays DKK 350 Weekends DKK 380 |
Falster Golf Club | 50% rabat | 50% rabat | Weekdays DKK 400 Weekends DKK 400 |
Møn Golf Club | 50% rabat | 50% rabat | Weekdays DKK 320 Weekends DKK 360 |
Ishøj Golf Club | 50% rabat | 50% rabat | Weekdays DKK 360 Weekends DKK 440 |
Køge Golf Club South Zealand Golf Club | DKK 100 discount on the current green fee price. | DKK 100 discount on the current green fee price. | Weekdays DKK 350 Weekends DKK 400 |
Level Golf Club | DKK 350 in green fee | DKK 350 in green fee | Weekdays DKK 415 Weekends DKK 495 |
Players with DGU cards marked F cannot use these discount schemes, i.e. a full green fee must be paid.
Juniors up to and including 18 years of age have free play on each other's courses, but not at Møn Golfklub.
Golfklubben Storstrømmen is registered with the green-fee scheme for juniors. See Danish Golf Union junior agreement.
The player must sign in to the green-fee protocol. DGU card must be presented on request.
GK Storstrømmen, 15 January 2018.
Tel: 45 5482 8080
Address: Kringelborg Allé 9 DK-4800 Nykøbing F
Mon - Sun
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
45 5482 8080
Kringelborg Allé 9 DK-4800 Nykøbing F